Hanan Saleh Hussein
PhD in Translation and
Language pragmatics
Associate Professor
Email: hsalhus@upo.es
Telephone: +34 954978188
Fax: -
Department: Philology and Translation
Faculty: Faculty of Humanities
University: University Pablo de Olavide
Office: 17 Ed. 14. 1ª planta
Research Lines: Language Pragmatics. Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language (ELE). Translation and Interpretation (including telephone interpreting) in the fields of justice and law enforcement, immigration, refugee and asylum. Forensic and gender language.
Hanan Saleh Hussein is a PhD Associate Professor in the Area of Arabic and Islamic Studies in the Department of Philology and Translation at the Pablo de Olavide Public University in Seville since 2011. She studied Hispanic Philology and Translation and Interpretation at the University of Ain Shams (Cairo-Egypt) and certified her studies at the University of Seville. She is currently one of the researchers of the LEXYTRAD research group (HUM 106). She is a translator and interpreter in the private and judicial field and a teacher and trainer in the field of Arabic language and culture for the National Police Force. She works as a translator and interpreter for the Brigades of Foreigners and Documentation, UFAM Brigade and UDYCO of the National Police and the Guardia Civil.